How to set up a small network?


In a small office, set up the network will be the best way that you can share information and resources between peoples. It also makes the process of communication cost effective and makes the best use of resources.

Before setting up a small network, you need to define the settings, which can be a peer-to-peer or client server. In a peer network, all systems share the same responsibility for data processing. Peer-to-peer networks are best for homes, small businesses and schools, although you can find peer networks that make use of Internet resources and are scattered geographically. In order to put a peer-to-peer network, it is necessary to have a way and Ethernet cables can be connected way modem and router to all systems that are to be part of the network. Once you have the basic equipment ready to set up a peer-to-peer network, look in the Network Setup Wizard to complete the procedure interface which is needed in the software to fully implement the network settings.

In client- server network, one system acts as a server and it has a high-power processors, large memory and disk drive fro purpose of handling client request and resource requirements. This in this type of network organization one system is responsible for processing claims “client” systems that are connected to it. This network setup is ideal for large companies, but it can also carry me in the small and medium office scale.

If you are going to install a client-server configuration, what is required is the only system that can act as a server. The system will have a powerful operating system (better to install Linux) and all necessary system resources so that it can handle all the processing requirements that must be done by the server. This server system must be configured to accept all clients that are connected to it. Once this is done, the network is established.
